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Thursday, August 27, 2020
An experiment to show Essay Example for Free
A test to show Essay To see whether there is a connection between the surface region and the dispersion rate Hypothesis I foresee that the littler squares of agar will turn clear, or diffuse first, as it has a littler surface territory. This is on the grounds that there is less surface zone and volume for the sulphuric corrosive to diffuse into. Mechanical assembly  Three sizes of agar, 20x20x20mm, 20x20x10mm, 20x20x5mm 40ml of sulphuric corrosive [80ml per beaker] 3 100ml containers  Tile utilized for setting the agar  Tissue to clear off the sulphuric corrosive off the agar  3 surgical blades  Ruler, quantifiable in mm. Stop clock Method 1. To start with, cut three bits of sulphuric corrosive in the accompanying sizes 20x20x20mm, 20x20x10mm, 20x20x5mm, as precisely as conceivable 2. Next, fill the three measuring utencils with 80ml of sulphuric corrosive every 3. At that point, set up the stop clock, and ensure it is has been reset 4. After, place the three squares of agar into the sulphuric all simultaneously, just as beginning the stop clock once the agar is in the sulphuric corrosive. 5. Cautiously mix the three measuring utencils utilizing the surgical blades. 6. Watch until one of the squares have gone totally clear. 7. When one of the squares have gone totally clear, stop the stop check and take out the three squares of agar and spot on the tissue, and wipe off the overabundance sulphuric corrosive from the squares of agar to forestall further dispersion with the two different squares which have not been completely diffused to completely diffuse 8. Cut the squares in inclining, through the center and utilizing a ruler, measure its amount has turned clear on each side. 9. Record the information for time taken, and the profundity of the unmistakable part on the table. Results Block number 1 2. 3 Block measurements/mm 20x20x20 20x20x10 20x20x5 Predicted request of clearing 3 2 1 Actual request of clearing 3 2 1 Time taken for clearing 8mn56. 29s Depth of clear part on square/mm 3 4 5 Surface zone/mmi 2400 1600 1200 Volume/mmi 8000 4000 2000 Surface are to volume proportion O:O. 3 O:O. 4 O:O. 6 Conclusion My expectation with regards to which square will go clear previously was right, being the littler square, as its surface region to volume proportion was the best out of each of the three, despite the fact that there was very little contrast between the three qualities. This is on the grounds that the third square has a more noteworthy surface zone for the sulphuric corrosive to diffuse into the agar, causing the dissemination rate to be more noteworthy. The squares have gotten clear through dispersion brought about by balance between the sulphuric corrosive and the agar, which is an antacid. Assessment Quite a couple of things didn't go as arranged in this assessment, however I have thought of thoughts on the most proficient method to improve them on the off chance that we do an investigation like this once more. Initially, the jam size may not be precise from cutting it, and when it has been mixed, bits of it might have chipped off causing an adjustment in its surface territory. Next time, to maintain a strategic distance from this, we could quantify the square of agar all the more precisely when cutting it, and furthermore be progressively cautious when blending the agar and mix gentler so no bits may get chipped off. That, however the time we place the three squares of agar into the sulphuric corrosive might be unique, just as the time we began the stop clock. Next time, we may potentially locate an alternate technique for placing in and taking out the agar with the goal that it stays a reasonable test, thus that there are less slip-ups in the test, which might be decreased by having one individual for every square of agar and measuring utencil, just as someone else for the stop check and setting it in and taking it out all simultaneously just as beginning and halting the stop clock. Another difficulty may have originated from the measure of sulphuric corrosive in every recepticle, which might not have been equivalent. This issue might be diminished by estimating the sulphuric all the more cautiously, perhaps with an estimating chamber before then putting it into the recepticle, rather than estimating it into the measuring glass straight away. Our estimations of the profundity of the away from of the squares of agar jam may have been inaccurate too, and to forestall this, we might utilize a magnifying instrument next time and utilize a graticule to gauge the profundity that the jam has diffused to acquire an increasingly exact outcome. The last issue I saw while doing the examination was the point at which we were smearing the sulphuric corrosive off the agar. I found that there may have been some sulphuric corrosive left on the agar after we have smeared it, which may have brought about additional dissemination and altering our outcome. This is caused from not smudging off enough sulphuric corrosive off the agar. Next time, we could cautiously blotch all the sulphuric corrosive, and utilize one bit of tissue for each square of agar so that there is no sulphuric corrosive on the tissue before smearing each square of agar.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Bridgford Foods Essay
Bridgford Foods is known as a little, traded on an open market organization of the food business. Customers of Bridgford Foods have a generally high inborn hazard. The activity of the said business is dependent upon different dangers, for example, unfavorable changes in the general monetary conditions, the advancement of buyer inclinations, nourishing and wellbeing related concerns, the investigations done, including the preparing controls engaged with the government, state, and nearby items. The obligation cases of customer items and the dangers related with item altering were additionally taken into cautious thought. Besides, a few reviews made were related with the ongoing episodes of sicknesses among the meat and poultry items. Such significantly influenced the working outcomes and the monetary situation of the organization. What's more, industry qualities were identified with the elements that influenced the evaluation of materials of Bridgford Foods Corporation. Since the business was serious, value cutting would have its related impacts on the income. Shockingly, Bridgford Foods was not part of the main ventures in the nation. As far as execution, the results of the said organization were not as serious as those of the pioneers in the business. Also, the organization isn't as productive and as monetarily steady as those of the significant organizations in the business. For the year 2007, Bridgford Food had a diminishing in its all out deals, when contrasted with different years. In a report gave, the organization expressed that, â€Å"sales for the main quarter finished in January 25, 2008, and was an expected $1,319,000. Preceding the initial twelve weeks of the financial year, there was a diminishing in the aggregate, which was 3.1%. The business factors bring about an expanded appraisal of the hazard material misquote of BridgFord Foods Corporation. This prompted a lower assurance of identification hazard and increasingly meaningful tests. Estimations and suspicions were especially significant in the appraisal of dangers for material error of Johnson, Inc. The administration made certain estimations and suspicions that influenced the announced measures of advantages and liabilities and exposure of unexpected resources and liabilities at the date of the fiscal reports. What's more, announced incomes and costs during the individual revealing time frames were additionally given a lot of contemplations. The sums evaluated identified with liabilities for workers’ remuneration, representative human services and annuity benefits are particularly oppressed. The intrinsic hazard identifying with the precision of a record balance that includes a high level of the executives judgment, or that is hard to process, is assessed as high. In addition, the credit danger of the organization was enhanced over a wide range customers and geographic locales. Misfortunes brought about because of credit dangers have as of late been unimportant, with the customer keeping up the money adjusts at monetary foundations. On occasion, these customers surpass the sums safeguarded by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation of $100 million for every establishment. Be that as it may, the customers have noteworthy sums receivable sums with not many of the notable customers, albeit verifiably secure, could likewise be dependent upon material hazard when the activities of these customers start to break down. Notwithstanding such situation, the individuals from the Bridgford family can in any case practice critical authority over the organization. This is because of the way that the family possesses around 77% in loads of the organization, making them own multiple fourths of the entire organization. On this, three individuals from the Bridgford family were individuals from the Board of Directors. This gives the individuals from the Bridgford family the capacity to apply considerable impact and control over the administration and issues of the organization. This incorporate issues requiring the activity of investors. the alteration to by-laws, the political decision and evacuation of executives, merger recommendations, solidification or offer of all or significantly the entirety of the benefits and other corporate exchanges. The Bridgford relatives who own lion's share of the stocks rule in the dynamic of the organization. This factor prompted a higher hazard appraisal of material misquote fore there were no surveys with respect to significant choices and activities taken. In any case, these ought to be taken to the greatest advantage of the organization and its investors. The innate confinements incorporated the real factors of broken decisions and choice makings, including the breakdowns that can happen because of basic blunders and errors. Furthermore, controls can be bypassed by the individual demonstrations of certain individuals, by agreement of at least two individuals, or by the executives supersede of the control. All the above components expanded intrinsic hazard for a specific record balance declaration, making the assessment moderately high. In the review arranging stage, where the assessment of inalienable hazard for a record balance statement is high, inspectors view this as a critical hazard requiring exceptional review consideration. The control danger of Bridgford nourishments is low. The customer keeps up and assesses an arrangement of inner bookkeeping controls, and a program of interior evaluating intended to give sensible affirmation. In this manner, the company’s resources are secured and exchanges were acted as per the best possible approval, and were recorded appropriately. This arrangement of inward bookkeeping control is constantly investigated and changed because of advancing business conditions and tasks and to suggestions made by the free enlisted open bookkeeping firm and interior evaluator. The customer additionally has a built up a set of principles. Besides, the review board of trustees is made out of free executives who are not officials or workers of the customer, and don't have different connections that debilitate autonomy. The review boards of trustees additionally utilize two budgetary specialists. They are viable in supervising the nature of controls and the administration of misrepresentation. From those referenced, I accept that the bookkeeping and inward control frameworks give sensible confirmation that advantages are defended and money related data is solid, with the general control hazard low. By and large, the plan and usage of inward control are viewed as successful. The expansion in the danger of material misquote because of these variables will bring about a lower assurance of discovery chance and an expansion in the extent of the auditor’s work. Pre-review commitment chance is altogether and decidedly connected with the assessed degree of optional accumulations announced in evaluated fiscal reports. As more significant levels of optional accumulations have been demonstrated to be related with higher danger of post-review case, it gives the idea that as opposed to taking activities that bring about higher-hazard customers detailing less forceful optional collections, inspectors rather are tolerating a higher post-review chance for these customers.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Dissertation Help Online - Finding Help With Your Dissertation
Dissertation Help Online - Finding Help With Your DissertationAre you searching for dissertation help online? There are many places that offer online assistance for your dissertation. Some of the best places to search include the academic and university libraries, the Internet and those specialty dissertations websites.You will find that there are two types of resources in the academic research centers. The first is the community services division that offers free dissertation help online through online help tools like community forums and discussion boards. The second is the online dissertation assistance available through online support tools like professional consultants who can provide you with necessary dissertation help.If you do not have a need for dissertation help, then you should think about outsourcing your work to someone else. This way you will be saving on time and having someone else take care of your dissertation. One of the main reasons that people would outsource th eir dissertation is because they cannot afford to be burdened with it. It is not wise to be too attached to your project if you outsource it.It is also imperative that you do some research about the different dissertation help online resources. This is because you do not want to end up with poor service and possible mistakes as a result of being unfamiliar with the different types of dissertation help available. So make sure that you do your homework and ensure that you choose the right dissertation help online resources for your dissertation.First off, you will want to check out the academic communities and community forums. The Academic communities are those that are organized by students themselves. It is through these online communities that they can give advice and assist one another through difficult times.If you are looking for dissertation help online, look for the links in the academic community forums. There you will find more detailed information about how to study, where to find students willing to help, and other information that can be quite helpful to you.The best part about academic community forums is that many of them offer a free trial period that allows you to test drive their service for free and see how they handle dissertation help. It is always smart to try the services before you invest in any kind of long term relationship. By comparing different dissertation help online services, you will find that the experience that you get from different places will vary greatly.The biggest mistake that most students make when seeking dissertation help online is that they often overlook the fact that the dissertation writing process is quite expensive. It is not uncommon for the research papers to cost a few thousand dollars, although it can vary quite a bit from one program to the next. So before you commit to anything, make sure that you have enough funds to afford the process.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Cost Accounting Midterm - 2751 Words
ADM 3346A COST ACCOUNTING Solution Fall 2010 Midterm Examination STUDENT NAME: _________________________________________________ STUDENT NUMBER: ________________________________________________ 90 minutes INSTRUCTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. Books and notes are not permitted, except language dictionaries. Non programmable calculators are permitted. Put all answers in the question booklet Questions concerning possible errors in the exam only will be answered. Questions Max Points Question 1 /10 Question 2 /6 Question 3 /4 Question 4 /6 Question 5 /6 Question 6 /8 Question 7 /10 Question 8 /6 Question 9 /4 Question 10 /6 Total /66 Statement of Academic†¦show more content†¦Midterm ADM 3346A Fall 2010 Page 2 of 10 Q.2. (6) . Sell Block prepares three types of simple tax returns: individual, partnerships, and (small) corporations. The tax returns have the following characteristics: Price charged per tax return Variable cost per tax return (including wage paid to tax preparer) Expected tax returns prepared per year Individuals $200 Partnerships $1,000 Corporations $2,000 $120 60,000 $700 4,000 $1,500 16,000 The total fixed costs per year for the company are $4,025,000. Required a. b. c. What is the break even point in total tax returns given the expected mix above? Suppose the product sales mix changes soShow MoreRelatedMidterm Exam Accounting 206 2775 Words  | 4 PagesMANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTANCY Accounting 206: Cost Accounting and Cost Management, Part II Midterm Examination Kelvin J. Culajara, BSA, CPA Name: _____________________________________ Date: _______________ Score: __________ Test 1: Comprehensive Problem/Reporting Assume that you are the newly-hired chief cost accountant of Wapayutana Company. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Cask Of Amontillado And Porphyrias Lover - 1792 Words
Betrayal, a small word, with a big price. A price that one person always has to pay, while the other person stands there as if he was a salesman, hounding that individual until he got what he wanted. The idea of betrayal and it’s consequences are shown in the short story, â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado,†by Edgar Allan Poe, and the poem, â€Å"Porphyria’s Lover,†by Robert Browning. In, The Cask of Amontillado, Fortunato was the buyer, and Montresor was the salesman. Montresor reeled in Fortunato, using Amontillado, a certain type of wine, as the bait. Montresor brought Fortunato deep inside the lifeless walls of the catacombs, where he was supposed to find the Amontillado. Little did he know that he was staring death right in the face. With†¦show more content†¦The short story, The Cask of Amontillado, the author presents two characters that have an unannounced feud, Montresor, and Fortunato. Montresor has such hate and discrepancy towards Fortu nato, that, â€Å"at length, (he) would be avenged,†(Poe 372). Montresor, claiming to be Fortunato’s friend, had planned out the perfect trap for Fortunato’s awaited death. Fortunato was lead deep inside the dark catacombs, where Montresor chained up his scared and shaky figure. Montresor started to build the wall back up to hide Fortunato, when he started talking to him. Fortunato was laughing, almost as if he was trying to convince himself that it was only a joke, that he was just being messed with. After Montresor and Fortunato exchanged a few more words, Montresor called his name one last time, and â€Å"there came forth in return only a jingling of bells,†(Poe 379). The bells in this represent almost a childish demeanor, to show that Fortunato was clueless and vulnerable, as if he was a child. Montresor saw this as an opportunity took advantage of it, betraying him andShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Edgar Allan Poe And The Cask Of Amontillado1358 Wor ds  | 6 Pagesthink is good, is actually the type of person in which you had thought them out to be? And how can you tell this, before someone gets hurt? In The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe, Fortunato starts to view the speaker as a friend, and then he was tricked and killed, just so that the speaker could get his revenge on him. Likewise, in Porphyria’s Lover by Robert Browning, the girl was killed by the guy that she loved, because he wanted her to stay loving him forever, and he wanted the moment to
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri Essays - 983 Words
The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri Dante Alighieris The Divine Comedy, Purgatory Dantes The Divine Comedy section of Purgatory is a depiction of Dante and his struggle to reach paradise. He is a character as well as a narrator. The purgatory section deals with the seven deadly sins and Dantes task of cleansing himself on his journey to heaven. He confronts many different people on his journey to self-righteousness, which help and guide him to his destiny. Accompanied by Virgil or reason as he is depicted, his quest is a hard journey with many answers to be found. Dante was born in May 1265 and lived his early life at a time of change and of great economic and cultural expansion in Florence (Kirkpatrick 2). The poet was critically†¦show more content†¦He wandered for the next twenty years depending on patrons to help him survive. It is hard to find any documentation on Dantes journey outside of Florence. It is know that his last days were spent in Ravenna, under the watchfu l eye of Guido da Polenta. The city recognized him as a great poet and it was here the last of The Divine Comedy was written. Dante died shortly after finishing his final and best work in 1322. His ashes are still buried next to the church of San Francesco. Dantes Purgatory section of The Divine Comedy covers Dantes journey through Purgatory and the challenges he faces. Purgatory was an island with a huge mountain towering from it. At the top was Paradise or heaven. It was sealed off by a gate with angles guarding the entrance. The bottom was antepurgatory where the souls that were not ready for the journey resided. The mountain itself was composed of seven concentric ledges separated by steep cliffs. On each ledge, one of the seven capital sins waited on a soul. They were composed of Pride, Envy, Wrath Sloth, Avarice, Gluttony, and Lust. When the soul had released his sin, he was able to proceed to the next level. When he ascends to the next level, an angle would greet him and perf orm a cleansing ritual. In addition, on each ledge of Purgatory, there were models of the sin as well as the virtues which opposed the sin. These were a kind of test for the soul. Dante was guided by Virgil orShow MoreRelatedThe Divine Comedy By Dante Alighieri873 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"The Divine Comedy†is an epic poem written by Dante Alighieri. He wrote the epic sometime between 1308 and 1321, the year he died. It is considered one of the greatest works of world literature. He wrote â€Å"The Divine Comedy†while he was exiled from Florence, Italy (Bishops 182). â€Å"The Divine Comedy†recounts Dante’s idea of the afterlife. It is written in a first person perspective and follows Dante’s journey through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. At the time Dante wrote the Divine Comedy, Italy wasRead MoreThe Divine Comedy By Dante Alighieri1725 Words  | 7 PagesIn composing the Divine Comedy, Dante Alighieri has created and brought to his reader s three examples of literary brilliance. A masterfully written poem that still serves as a preface for contemporary heaven/hell/purgatory imagery, the divine comedy brings readers along for the ride on Dante’s path towards salvation. Depending on how gullible one may be, interpretation of the legitimacy of the Divine Comedy is varied; that is to say, although a few might believe Dante actually did somehow travelRead MoreThe Divine Comedy By Dante Alighieri Essay1691 Words  | 7 PagesDante Alighieri is known as one of the greatest Italian poets. One of Alighieri’s most famous works of art would be his poem called the Divine Comedy written in year 1320. The poem itself has a heavy Christian influence and it entails the journey of Dante, the protagonist as he travels through hell, purgatory and finally paradise. Additionally, the poem captures Dante’s journey as he gets closer to god. As Dante first enters Inferno, (also known as hell), he meets Virgil, who is not only his mentorRead MoreThe Divine Comedy Dante By Dante Alighieri1101 Words  | 5 Pagestry our best or we give up and follow other paths. Dante Alighieri, born in Florence, Italy in 1265, was born into a very power hungry age. Mor ality was not very high on someone’s to-do list. In the Divine Comedy Dante makes a point of writing about those that have done him wrong and placing them where the â€Å"belong†. But Dante does not only expose the bad people in his life but the bad people all over the world and he also includes himself. Dante writes his book to scare others into changing to beRead MoreThe Divine Comedy By Dante Alighieri1277 Words  | 6 PagesDante Alighieri wrote the Divine Comedy from 1308-1320. The story narrates Dante’s pilgrimage through hell, purgatory, and heaven while guided by Virgil and Beatrice. Throughout this journey Dante conforms himself to virtue, properly orders his passions, and conforms his conscience, â€Å"Dante s psychopoiesis operates through the mimetic deformation, reformation, and transformation of conscience†(Macready, 2). This essay will examine what a true conscience is according to the Catechism of the CatholicRead MoreThe Divine Comedy By Dante Alighieri Essay2228 Words  | 9 PagesThere is no doubt that Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) has made a momentous contribution to Medieval literature in general and Italian in particular. He is best known for his magnum opus, The Divine Comedy. It is a brilliant masterpiece of literature which students read as a part of their curriculum in literature courses, in order to probe the mind of a genius commenting on both temporal events and the spiritual, scientific, and philosophical themes and concerns of his predecessors and peers, therebyRead MoreThe Allegorical Messages of The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri 598 Words  | 2 PagesThe beginning lines of The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri indicate a pragmatic journey through the dark woods. It is soon evident that The Divine Comedy is in terms of an allegory. Midway through his life, Dante finds himself lost and in darkness. He is confused and unaware of how he has ended up in these dark woods. Dante soon comes across Italian poet Virgil, who will guide him through the Nine Circles of Hell. Dante Alighieri’s The Divine Comedy: Inferno portrays Dante’s life and adventure throughRead MoreDante Alighieri and his Divine Comedy Essay596 Words  | 3 PagesDante Alighieri (1265-1321) was an Italian poet in the Middle Ages. The Divine Comedy, of which Inferno is a part, is considered the greatest literary work in the Italian language and a masterpiece. Inferno is the story of Dante the pilgrim’s journey from the dark wood of error through Hell, led by Virgil. This is Dante the pilgrims opportunity to recognize his sins; he is given the opportunity to see how the error of his ways will be punished if he does not change. In Dante’s Hell, the punishmentRead MoreThe Vaule of Personal Development in The Divine Comedy, by Dante Alighieri1209 Words  | 5 PagesIn Italian Dante Alighieri (1265) Poem, The Divine Comedy Inferno, Translated by Mark Musa. Dante demonstrates the v alue of personal development which is the ability to keep a balanced life and continuously learn from past mistakes in order to create a better future. Dante begins the poem wrapped in his own thoughts and suffering but by the end of the poem he begins to understand other’s sufferings beyond his own. In his growth throughout his journey he learns about pain and sorrow that he cannotRead MoreHow Literature Changed a Nation: Dante Alighieri and The Divine Comedy1146 Words  | 5 PagesMaking change in a time of dark beliefs and harsh criticism is a difficult task to achieve. The poet, Dante Alighieri’s world was one filled with spirituality and stigmas. Unlike many other artists of his time, he completed his most famous and influential work in Europe’s 1300’s. Dante’s piece, The Divine Comedy, demonstrates the journey one takes throughout life, to find one’s self and connect with the world and religion, all through three volumes of poetry. Of his talent, came a business of the
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Site Preparation Hardware Installation †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Explain Site Preparation Hardware Installation? Answer: Introducation MEX maintenance system can be defined as computerized system which capture activities like- maintenance of workloads, inventory management, and present statutory reports, manage payroll system etc. Following stages will be required for the implementation of new system i.e. MEX Maintenance system, in the Mighty Mechanics: Site Preparation/Hardware Installation Mighty Mechanics has to take a big step to transform the business activities from manual to an automatic system. It is important for the management to review the present business infrastructure of the company to assess that the new system will cope with the business infrastructure or not. The new system demands for installation of hardware pieces therefore the requirements of electrical outlets/ connection facilities and reasonable office space will be established(Allen, 2015).Mighty Mechanics requisites to purchase new computer system as well as related accessories in order to install the new system. Therefore, site preparation is the first step of implementation strategy. Installation of Software MEX Maintenance system is recommended to be installed as a new system in Mighty Mechanics. In addition to this, relevant anti-virus is also required to be installed in the computer systems so that data can be protected from threat. MEX Maintenance system will perform best with Intel processors supplemented with MS window XP. High speed internet will also be required to carry out the business activities effectively as well as use of cloud computing will facilitate superior connectivity across the whole system. Personal Training In order to implement the system successfully, personal training of the employees or project team is crucial. As training of employees ensures quicker implementation of the system. In addition to this, it will also facilitate in managing the issue of user`s resistance. Training methods could be used to train the staff are- role play, video simulations, study material about MEX system will also be provided in the weekly classrooms(Verweire, 2014). In the training process, staff will come across with the benefit of new system and they will be motivated to accept the change as the new system will at last benefit the staff tocarry out their jobs in easy way as they will be able to manage inventory, price books, data will be collected in proper manner and payroll system would also be managed properly. Team members of the project will also train employees and after getting training they will get start working on the new system as well as the old system will be completely stopped in being u se(Hayes, 2017). Complete Documentation The implementation team and project team by working on various configurations for the new system, documenting the usual procedures and roles of team members and other employees will also be defined in this phase. The procedures which would be carried out to implement the system or to make the system live will be documented in order to check whether the activities are carried out as the way there planned. Testing System In this phase, analysis of alignment of system`s functionality with the requirements established for the project would be done. The development and testing phase will frequently overlay as the project and implementation teams will consider fine alteration of the configuration. By the end of the testing stage, team members would be comfortable to carry out their job activities in the new system i.e. MEX Maintenance system. Security testing will also be done to check whether the new system can be hacked so that threat or issues could be managed( Creasey Hiatt, 2012). New System Conversion A parallel transition is required for system conversion. The data which is stored manually will be transited to the new system which will facilitate Mighty Mechanics to assess the potential errors as well as performance of MEX system can also be confirmed. New system would be used by the staff once it is confirmed that the new system is effectively working. The data should be backed up while transferring of data is going on so that the data could be protected. It is estimated that up to three months can be taken to transfer the data and to complete the implementation process. Encounter risk/issues and ways to overcome from these risk/issues Following risk/issues can be encountered while implementation and the way to manage these are stated below: S. No. Issue /Risk Control or way to overcome from the issue or to manage risk 1 Lack of alignment of business processes and MEX Maintenance System Reengineer business processes Monitoring the performance of system. Testing of system will be conducted prior to the implementing the system A detailed requirements specification will be developed( Iverson, 2013). 2 Loss of control because of decentralized process of decision making. Steering committee will be formulated Project sponsor would be appointed. An internal audit will also be done. 3 Complexity in project A detailed plan for the implementation will be developed. Internal audit Consultants involvement Team members who possess adequate kills will be appointed. 4 User`s resistance User`s involvement training Support of top management Managerial soft skills Establishing sound communication(Hall, 2015). 5 Security issue Technical expert will be appointed Authorization will be given to the senior executives to assess the secured information(Allen, 2015). Reason for adopting the strategy The adopted strategy compiles all the necessary step which facilitate the installation of new system in the Mighty Mechanics. The steps involved in the implementation strategy will aid the project team to implement the MEX system effectively. Issues can be encountered and the ways to overcome from the issues or to manage the risk are also included in the strategy. The phase of each implementation will provide experience to the team and other employees and this will turn out to be more efficient in subsequent phase(Steinbart Romney , 2014). Various benefits will be availed by adopting this strategy, such as- helpful for the new and unexperienced team, requirement for meticulous planning is not essential, less difficult to manage, employees would get enough time to get familiarize with the new system, subsequent stages of implementation can be carried out easily as enough time is provided by this strategy to consolidate all the learning. Post Implementation Review Implementation strategy would not end after the implementation of MEX Maintenance System in Mighty Mechanics. After the implementation of strategy the whole system will be assessed or review(HEAGNEY, 2012). Post implementation review will be done after the completion of project in a certain period of time. Following aspects will be reviewed after the implementation- Point of achievement from the project will be ascertained. As the objectives have been met or not such as payroll is properly managed, inventory is properly managed as well as the issues in the accounting system are resolved. Employees are comfortable with the implementation of the new system or not will also be ascertained. Any requirement of change in the system will also be ascertained so that issue shall not arise in future. References Creasey, T., Hiatt, J. (2012). Change Management: The People Side of Change. Prosci Research. Iverson, D. (2013). Strategic Risk Management: A Practical Guide to Portfolio Risk Management. Wiley. Nix, C. (2017). Data Analytics. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. Allen, M. (2015). Strategic Communication for Sustainable Organizations. Springer. Brown, M. (2012, 12 11). Data mining techniques. Hall, J. A. (2015). Accounting Information Systems. South-Western College Pub. Hayes, A. (2017). Data Analytics: A Quick-start Beginner's Guide. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. HEAGNEY, J. (2012). Fundamentals of Project Management. AMACOM. Steinbart, P. J., Romney , M. B. (2014). Accounting Information Systems. Pearson. Verweire, K. (2014). Strategy Implementation. Routledge.
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